Pole Princess!!" Anime Movie Set to Release in Japan This Winter
Tatsunoko Production, a Japanese animation studio, has announced the release of a new movie titled "Pole Princess!!" The movie is set to hit the theaters in early winter in Japan. The announcement was made on the official Twitter account of the movie. A teaser visual was also released, giving the fans a glimpse of what to expect from the movie.
"Pole Princess!!" is an original anime series that revolves around the lives of young girls who practice pole dancing. The anime has gained a significant following since its release, and the announcement of the movie has been met with excitement from fans all around the world.
The anime series has also been made available on YouTube with English subtitles for international fans to enjoy. The series has been well-received by audiences, with many praising its unique concept and beautiful animation.
The movie is expected to continue the story of the anime series and bring new adventures for the characters. Fans are eagerly anticipating the release of the movie and are excited to see what new challenges the characters will face.
Tatsunoko Production is known for producing popular anime series such as "Gatchaman" and "Speed Racer". The studio has a reputation for creating high-quality animation that appeals to audiences of all ages.
The announcement of "Pole Princess!!" movie has generated a lot of buzz in the anime community, and fans are eagerly waiting for more details about the movie. The studio has not released any information about the plot or the characters that will be featured in the movie. However, fans are confident that the movie will be just as entertaining as the anime series.
In conclusion, the announcement of "Pole Princess!!" movie has created a lot of excitement among fans of the anime series. The movie is expected to continue the story of the anime and bring new adventures for the characters. Tatsunoko Production is known for creating high-quality anime, and fans are confident that "Pole Princess!!" movie will be just as entertaining as the anime series. The movie is set to hit the theaters in early winter in Japan, and fans are eagerly waiting for its release.
Source - Youtube Video , Official Twitter